Project details

Further Validation of Actigraphy for Sleep Studies

  • Timestamp (formatted)22:01 07/11/2023
  • OrganizationUniversity Hospital Rechts der Isar
  • Project typePrivate
  • Project acronymG'Nite--2
  • Data categoryPolysomnography

Log verification

How to use

The log verification is based on the hash of the log input. The hash is calculated using the Keccak256 algorithm, and then recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. The "verify" function checks if the hash of the log input matches the hash recorded on the blockchain.

Core message
2  "organization": "University Hospital Rechts der Isar",
3  "timestamp": "1699394497494",
4  "algorithm": {
5    "fileHash": "122d8ae0657adfb3b0c26399413a6feee25781a30b08cea120f2d10ad66ece58",
6    "filePath": "122d8ae065"
7  },
8  "projectURL": "4238e7bf27",
9  "experimentURL": "2fc397b1e8"

Hash method ➜ Keccak256

Hash output ➜ 27356C332D910E14437C29ED6FF78D0BEE979DAF125BFF6ADDA390C3D9AD39ED

Verification success!